Outside Arcadia LTN Film Festival Nominations and Awards

Outside Arcadia was an official selection at the Low to No Film Festival in Las Vegas. The film received multiple nominations for Best Short, Best Director, Best Sound, and Best Cinematography with Best Supporting Actor nominations for Dan Michael, Roman Kyle, and...

Dialogue by Robert McKee

After devouring Robert McKee’s “Story,” I couldn’t resist digging into “Dialogue.” It’s the next logical step, right? Well, here’s the twist… I actually read “Dialogue” first and then circled back to...

Story by Robert McKee

Unlock the Secrets of Storytelling Mastery Buy it. Read it. Read it again. Study it. Dog ear the pages. It’s a veritable treasure trove of story knowledge. It’s a genuine treasure trove of storytelling wisdom. Robert McKee is undeniably a genius and a master...

Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics by Michael Rabiger

I’ll be upfront—I’m currently working my way through “Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics” by Michael Rabiger, and it’s proving to be a bit of a rollercoaster. On one hand, a significant portion of the content seems geared towards...